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Blakedown Church of England Primary School


Blakedown CE Primary School provides a curriculum that covers both the statutory requirements and the needs of the children within the school.  Our curriculum links closely to our Christian vision and supports the messages of personal individuality, the joy and love of learning and the ability to build and use learning skills to achieve and become the best version of themselves possible. 

Our curriculum is carefully planned, we use a range of schemes to ensure progression across all subject areas and to ensure that the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum are met.  Content is differentiated so that every child can access the curriculum at their own level to provide challenge and success.  Learning groups are organised in a variety of ways to best suit the children's needs and the aims of the lesson and can vary between sessions and in relation to the children's age.

The curriculum is based on statutory guidance with core subjects: Literacy, Science, Numeracy and, as a Church School R.E. is also regarded as a core subject. Other foundation subjects are Art, Design & Technology, History, Geography, Computing and Online Safety, Languages, Music and Physical Education.  Pupils benefit from studying PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education) as the skills and content within this area underpins personal understanding, success and happiness.  We also deliver a structured and age appropriate Sex and Relationships Education to all age groups.

We believe that children need positive learning behaviours to succeed - the 'Secrets of Success', which underpin how effective a learner we can be.  Therefore, we also teach children that making mistakes is a step to succeeding and that we should persevere and try again.  The 'Secrets of Success' are: 

try new things

work hard

don't give up

understand others and

push yourself

As a primary school we are organised to include children from the ages 4-11 years old. The National Curriculum is structured in three key stages:

Early Years Foundation Stage:   3-5 years old - Reception
Key Stage 1:  5-7 years old - Class 1 & 2
Key Stage 2:  7-11 years old - Class 3, 4, 5 & 6

Please see below for guidance on the National Curriculum and what is taught in each year group and subject.  Specific subject pages hold further information on each area.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum, then please do not hesitate to come in and see your child's class teacher.  There are also additional opportunities to view your child's work across the year during 'Open Book Nights' and 'Lessons with Parents/Play and Stay' sessions across the year.