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Blakedown Church of England Primary School

Class 5

Teacher: Miss Low

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Smith

Additional Pupil Support:  Miss Jones

Specialist Teachers: Mrs Marshall (Music) and Mr Newbold (PE)


Welcome Year 5

We have lots to do this term, but that gives us the opportunity to learn lots of new things; for you to enjoy your learning and for you to achieve your best!

Take a look at the Curriculum page to see what we will be learning across the year and across each term.  You will also find below lots of relevant resources to support your learning throughout the year.

Miss Low smiley

Class 5 Reminders:

Please do not forget to have with you the following items on the correct days of the week!

  • PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. You need to come to school in your PE kit on these days and remember to bring a spare pair of shoes in case your trainers become wet outside during PE.
  • Homework to be handed in on Wednesdays and then handed back out on Friday. 
  • Spelling lists are to be taken home on a Monday ready to be tested on the following Monday.
  • Reading records should be in school on a daily basis and signed on a weekly basis.
  • Recognition cards will be sent home on Fridays and should be checked, signed by a parent/carer and returned on Mondays.