Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Weekly homework in Class 4 consists of completing the following for Year 4:
- One Literacy/Grammar task provided weekly
- One Numeracy task provided weekly
- Spelling practice at home of weekly spellings for testing Wednesday
- Reading with an adult on a daily basis
- Times tables practice at home as frequently as possible
- A project style task to be set at the start of each half-term relating to the Class's topic. This is a creative piece and can be interpreted however the child wishes. We encourage children to complete this as independently as possible. Each project will be due in in the final week of half-term.
It is extremely helpful when comments are made in reading records and record cards regarding homework based on your child's achievements or difficulties. As always, if there are any problems with any homework tasks, please do not hesitate to ask for help and support.
Year 4 Homework
A note from Miss Jones on homework.
All homework will be based around work we are doing in class. This should mean that children feel comfortable and confident to tackle each task. However, if there are occasions where children are not sure please encourage them to seek support from Miss Jones or Miss Chance. Please do not struggle or stress at home, we are here to help.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday.
Homework books should be handed in by the following Wednesday. As your child's completed mental maths and spelling tests will be in their homework books, it is expected for homework books to be in school bags everyday to ensure the children have their spellings and log ins to hand.
Weekly homework will consist of a piece of English work and a piece of Maths work, either printed out or online on MyMaths or Other weekly tasks include reading at home as often as possible, ideally to an adult and practising timetables using TTRS.
Spellings will be tested on a Wednesday.
There will also be a piece of topic work set which children have the whole half term to complete. They are able to make this task their own as it will be open ended relating to the topic of study. It will be due in on the final Monday of the half term.
Reading books should be handed in every Monday. The children will receive a new book every week. Please encourage your child to read the chosen weekly text as often as they can to build their fluency and prosody - children will be discouraged from changing books any earlier.
Throughout the week you may wish to: read the text; re-read favourite parts; discuss punctuation and how this affects the way we read aloud (prosody); develop expressions when reading (prosody) and become familiar and confident with new vocabulary.