Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Blakedown C.E. Primary School is a voluntary controlled school maintained by Worcestershire County Council. As such we follow the admissions procedures set out in Worcestershire's policies which can be accessed via the links below.
Historically, our pupil admissions number has been 15, which resulted in four classrooms of 30 mixed age pupils organised as Reception & Year 1; Year 1 & Year 2; Year 3 & Year 4 and Year 5 & Year 6. Total pupils in the school were 105.
Since September 2014, the school has been undergoing a gradual expansion as it has been allowed to increase the pupil admission number to 30 from the entering year group onwards. It has seen an additional three classrooms built so that each year group is housed in their own class room. From 2019-20 onwards, each class is organised into a single age class. There are currently 195 pupils in the school.
Please click on the links below for Worcestershire County Council's Admissions Procedure & Policies. The policies, along with other information for parents and application forms are available below for you to download and print. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these please do not hesitate to call the school office.