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Blakedown Church of England Primary School

Homework & Spelling Tasks

~ Homework in Year 5 ~

  • Homework is set on a Friday and due back in on a Wednesday morning.  All homework will be emailed directly to the school email address of each child in Year 5.  
  • Some work can be printed out for children but some work is set on an online format and must be completed on a computer/tablet or smartphone.  We encourage the children to be independent and access their homework online due to the digital age we live in and to emphasise the importance of good computer literacy.
  • If children struggle with aspects of their homework, they can ask Miss Low or Mrs Smith for help on a Monday or Tuesday.
  • If homework is incomplete on a Wednesday morning, this will be completed during break time or lunch time, where best appropriate.
  • Spellings are also given out on Monday and are tested on the following Monday morning.
  • Parents/carers are expected to support with home reading and where possible, complete your child's reading record with a small comment and signature to support this. We will check through reading records on a weekly basis.
  • Your child will have a recognition card that they will use to record weekly mental maths and spelling scores, this requires a parent signature over the weekend and this will be checked on a Monday, alongside reading records, by staff.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring your child is prepared for any homework expectations.