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Blakedown Church of England Primary School


SPRING TERM onwards - Please refer to the weekly Year 1 Phonics Home Learning sheet which is in your child's home reading book each Friday. This will enable you to support your child to practise and reinforce the phonemes and graphemes we have been learning in school.


Week Commencing 11th December 

Phase 5 sounds - (or) aw

New tricky words - want (tricky part is in bold)

As this 'Grow the Code week', we will be spending time revisiting and reviewing all the new phonemes and tricky words we have learnt.


Week Commencing 4th December 

Phase 5 sounds - (ai) a-e, (igh) i-e, (oa) o-e, (oo, yoo) u-e, (ee) e-e, (oo, yoo) ew, (ee) le

New tricky words - could, would, should, our, house, mouse, water (tricky part is in bold)


Week Commencing 27th November 

Phase 5 sounds - (ur) ir, (igh) ie, (oo, yoo) ue, (yoo) u, (oa) o, (igh) i, (ai) a, (ee) e

New tricky words - their, people, oh, your, Mr, Mrs, Ms, ask (tricky part is in bold)


Week Commencing 20th November

Phase 5 sounds - (ai) ay, (ow) ou, (ee) ea, (oi) oy


Please click on the following link to gain helpful tips on how to support your child at home with Little Wandle phonics.