Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Class 4
Welcome to Class 4
Teacher: Miss Jones
Teaching Assistant: Miss Chance
Specialist Teachers: Mrs Marshall (Music); Mr Newbold (P.E.)
Class 4 Reminders:
Here are a few things to remind you about for the start of term:
P.E.: Class 4 has PE on a Tuesday and Thursday each week. They should come to school in their school PE kit on these days.
Children are reminded that record cards must be signed weekly by parents. We hope this gives you the chance to share their spellings and mental maths scores.
It is recommended that children read with an adult at home daily, if possible, despite the child's ability to decode words.
Multiplication Tables Check: During Year 4 children will take a statutory multiplication check. Children are expected to know all of their tables up to, and including, 12 x 12. It is recommended that children practice as often as possible at home, to go alongside the work done in class. In preparation for the times table check, which will be administered in the summer term, it would be beneficial if Times Table Rockstars could be done as a weekly homework (or more often if possible). This will build confidence as it has been designed to develop children's skills ready for the check.
More information about this can be found on the Times Table Support page on the 'Continue Reading' panel.
We hope you enjoyed your break and look forward to welcoming you back for a busy and exciting start to the year.