Blakedown Church of England Primary School
Welcome to our Parent Teacher Association Section
About Us
Blakedown Parent Teacher Association (PTA) raises funds to support learning of all the schools children, providing extras which cannot be funded from out of the schools budget. We organise a number of fundraising events during each school year for both parents/carers and the children to enjoy.
The PTA has successfully raised thousands of pounds over a number of years. In 2022-2023, the PTA raised an amazing £9,483.99!
Recent projects the PTA have supported include monies for:
Online subscriptions including KPOW, TT Rockstars, SPaG.com, Maths.co.uk, MyMaths, Snap Science, Bug Club and the Library Service.
All parents/carers are automatically members of the PTA.
Everyone is warmly invited to come along to our meetings and/or to become involved in supporting PTA events.
The PTA can only be effective if enough parents and carers get involved and help with fundraising.
The PTA Committee:
- Chair: Summer Corbett
- Interim Treasurer: Lucy Brittain
- Secretary: Suzie Turner
Class PTA Representatives:
- Reception: Verina Smith
- Year 1: Alice Ward
- Year 2: Laura Preston
- Year 3: Caroline Hough
- Year 4: Beth Smith
- Year 5: Lucy Brittain
- Year 6: Ruth Scattergood
Please do speak to any of us in the playground for further information about the PTA or if you could help with a forthcoming event. Messages can also be left at the school office.
Keeping in Touch
Full minutes (including the Treasurer's report) of the latest PTA meeting can be found on the PTA notice board at the front of school. We also have a PTA Facebook page, search for us on:
Blakedown CE Primary School PTA.
You can email us at blakedownprimarypta@gmail.com
Look out for the regular PTA newsletters on ParentMail.
Upcoming Events
2023 - 2024
All events are also listed in the Calendar section of the website.