Blakedown Church of England Primary School
2014-15 Summary & Impact of PE Spending
Summary and Impact of PE Fund Spending - 2014-15
- Attendance at after school sports clubs has continued to rise over the course of the year as each age group has had an opportunity to experience the sports on offer: athletics, gymnastics & dance, cricket & rounders.
- The Pyramid Active Schools activities had a huge impact in the summer term. The children across the school were involved in multi-skills, orienteering, cricket, bell-boating & regatta, bush craft, shelter building and skiing.
- There has been an increased opportunity for the children to experience competitive sport through the inter-school sports events.
- Staff feedback regarding the on-going P.E. CPD as they work alongside our sports specialist has been positive and pupils now receive two high quality P.E. sessions a week.
- P.E. equipment has been updated or replaced ensuring all pupils have access to relevant equipment.